Minutes of Committee Meeting - 14 July 2020

Minutes of Committee Meeting held by Zoom on 14/07/20
Committee Present
Fred Swarbrick, John Powell, Peter Rhodes, Greg King, Ian Cosens, Paul Riordan, Craig Hine, Tommy Hughes and Peter Harrison
Andy Thompson who was currently in hospital. FS to let committee know the situation once he has received more information
Meeting Opened 19:30
Matters Arising
Minutes of the meeting on the 9th June were accepted
FS opened the meeting by thanking Paul Riordan for sorting out the zoom meeting.
FS then introduced Craig Ross from the Kendal Rugby Club who has been asked if he could help JP out with the fixtures. CR stated that he is not an IT guy but he specialises in planning and logistics. FS then asked PR(iordan) if he was interested and he declined as he is in full time employment and still had a young family. CR stated that he could help by producing a step by step plan on how to produce the fixtures rather than the knowledge being with just one person.
IC to let JP know if there are any new sponsors. The committee are still to find new sponsors for the leagues. £200 per league per season. League named after sponsor, their logo and a link to their website to be put on the NOWIRUL website plus 2 tickets to the dinner.
GK thought that there would be no support from the RFU for next year (20/21 season)
JP notified the committee that three teams had left NORWIRUL to join the ADM and he had made adjustments in the leagues. Due to the uncertainty around when we will start playing rugby, he has produced a number of scenarios. He also stated that if the RFU national leagues went to 7 team leagues he would struggle to get 1st and 2nd teams at opposite venues (i.e home v away). JP had also produced fixtures on a 7 team league as well but this was rejected by the committee after discussion.
JP has written to all clubs re the cup competition
If games cancelled due to COVID then the result decided by pools panel.
A discussion took place around when we might get club ruby, and the consensus of opinion was not until after Christmas. The stringent rules under which cricket has been allowed to start would never work in a rugby environment and it was felt that rugby wouldn’t start until after community football
JP to circulate the RFU fixtures once they have been received
PR(hodes) suggested an AGM by Zoom. Our current Zoom account has a limit on the numbers, so it was felt we couldn't do anything yet
Meeting closed 20:30